Hobiex Generator Catalog

Hob Exhaust s the lead ng suppl er of exhaust systems and all ts components and spec al zed n power- generator ndustry appl cat ons. The company manufactures exhausts of any s zes and d ameters, s lencers, exhaust p pes, nterlock type exhaust flex ble, sta nless steel flex ble bellows, compensators, all shapes and d ameters of exhaust clamps, v brat on nsulators, as well as a r and water p pes for rad ators. Hob has the capab l ty of develop ng des gns for complete exhaust systems us ng computer s mulat on software accord ng to the eng ne data obta ned from the assembler or gen-set producer. Thus, Hob prefers to custom ze the product on accord ng to the customer needs to f nd out the most effect ve solut on for the best sound attenuat on. W th the techn cal capac ty & team work, we offer any absorpt on, reflect on or d ffus on types wh ch w ll match customer requ rement.